Was Were Dinleme Anlama Etkinliği ile Geçmiş Zamanda (Simple Past Tense) "Was-Were" Kullanımını Pekiştirin.
"Was Were" ile ilgili bu dinleme-anlama etkinliğinde toplam 10 resim ve her resimle ilgili 2'şer soru bulunmakta. Görsellere bakın, sırayla soruları dinleyin ve verilen 2 şıklı cevaplardan doğru olanı seçerek sırayla soruları cevaplayın.
"Was - Were" Nedir?
"Simple Past Tense" yani "Geçmiş Zaman"da fiili olmayan sadece isim, durum veya hal bildiren yapılarda kullanılır. "Simple Present Tense" yani "Geniş Zaman"da kullanılan "am-is-are" yardımcı fiilerinin karşılığıdır.
Was Were konu anlatımı için: "Was - Were Nedir?" bağlantısını;
Was Were konuşma etkinliği için: "Was - Were Konuşma Etkinliği" bağlantısını;
Was Were soru Yapıları için: "Was - Were Soru Cümleleri" bağlantısını;
Was Were kullanımı ile ilgili test için: "Was - Were Test Çöz" bağlantısını inceleyebilirsiniz.
Aşağıda ise "was were" konusu ile öğrendiklerinizi resimlere bakarak dinlediğiniz sorulara göre sırayla cevaplayarak "dinleme-anlama" becerisi geliştirin.
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Were they in Spain last summer?
Where were they?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Were they in Spain last summer?
Where were they?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Was the question easy?
How was it?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Was Tom an actor?
What was his job?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Was the kite red?
What color was it?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Were they at home yesterday?
Where were they?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Was it snowy yesterday?
What was it like?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Were the childern sad?
How were they?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Was. Robert. at the hospital?
Where was he?
Look at the picture, listen to the question and answer it.
Resme bakın, soruyu dinleyin ve cevaplayın.
Was Peter born in December?
When was he born?
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